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Search Hotels on Map: Texas Medical Center and Rice University
Downtown Galleria NASA Space Center Airport (IAH) Galveston
Pearland The Woodlands Texas Medical Center USMLE Center Katy

Rice Univeristy's Mediterranean style buildings The Texas Medical Center is a world renowed center for medical care and research. It has member institutions providing first class medical care to patients around the world, it's the birth place of the world's first artificial heart, and the No. 1 cancer center in the US is right here. Member institutions include the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Hermann Hospital, Ben Taub Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Texas Heart Center, Texas Children's Hosptal, University of Texas Health Science Center, etc. The world famous Rice University is just across the street.

The Texas Medical Center and Rice University have a constant flow of people for medical care, higher education, scientific research and medical training. The demand for temporary accomendations drives the hotel cost high. Fortunately, with the metro light rail connecting medical center to downtown and reliant stadium, you have a wider range of choices of hotels.

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